10 things that should be considered by all parents before giving your babysolid food.
2.Do not push your child to eat a lot at one time. Give your baby time to learn toeat solid food.
3.Appropriate solid foods for infants aged six months is a puree. The puree may be diluted by mixing with breast milk.
4. Fruits and vegetables such as apples, bananas, pumpkin, carrots, potatoes andbroccoli suitable for puree.
5. In the initial stages, avoid giving your baby food that can cause allergic problems such as cheese, nuts, seafood and eggs.
6. Do not add salt or sugar in your baby's food because his kidneys are not ready to process these materials.
7. Began to introduce finger foods after your child is a good meal at the age ofabout eight months.
8. If the child refused the food that you give to him, Do not get angry and continue to make your child eat the food. Maybe your baby is not ready to receive the food. Try to give the child another menu. Most importantly, parents should not give up.
10. If your child has a fever or pain, you need to let him drink lots of water and gaveher most favorite food.