So..there are some sign i'll have listed for your information to make you know whether you are pregnant or not..Let's checked it together!!!!
Using the bra will make up you suffer in the morning by its own. Breasts will also feel sore and painful when held. Breasts will grow, this is caused by increased production of hormones and progesterone esterogen. In this case, it is recommended that pregnant women with a comfortable bra or larger when sleep is meant to give comfort to move.
Excessive tiredness will make you fast asleep. This is because of hormonal changes andalso due to the performance of vital organs to assist the development and fetal growth.Usually feel tired in the first trimester only and will be lost upon entering the secondtrimester.
This is a sign of the most recognized by pregnant women. Pemicunya is an increase of hormones suddenly in the bloodstream. Symptoms of nausea usually occurs during the six weeks pregnant when you stated. Usually the nausea will come at morning, noon andnight. Nausea usually will disappear into the second trimester of pregnancy. If, nauseaand vomiting still occurred at the age of the second trimester of pregnancy, should checkand consultation on this matter to your doctor, because it would interfere with pregnancy.
If you can not sleep due to back and forth frequently to the bathroom to urinate, this might be a sign you are pregnant. During pregnancy, your body produce additional liquid toyour baby. Although the small bowel is often, not to restrict or stop it. In addition to avoiddehydration is increased fluid intake into the body.
Felt back pain during pregnancy because some ligaments in your back was gone. Thiswill continue to feel pain when you are gaining weight and for the time of pregnancy.
It is no longer alien to listen to this when you have someone who is pregnant. Like this, itwould then suddenly you want to eat the fruits that taste sour, while before that very hatred for the taste of sour. If you are being forced to watch the food problem, this might besigns of pregnancy.
Constipation is caused by increased hormone progesterone. Other hormones relax themuscles of the uterus, also result in muscle mengendurnya intestinal wall, causingconstipation or difficult bowel movements. But the advantage of this situation is possibleabsorbed better nutrition during pregnancy.
Often angry at her husband, rapid changes in behavior. This is due to the emergence ofmany new hormones in your body. Reassure your husband that this is the only place for the duration of pregnancy.
And Finally...
You will not know for certain if you become a mother until you do the pregnancy test. If you get negative results and still do not have periods, it was probably just that you are too early to do the pregnancy test. Wait a few days and try again and if the positive, yoursafe will be a mother!